Monday, May 24, 2010

25th of May: Totally, LOST.

Hello Everyone,

So if you don't watch LOST or you don't want to be spoiled. Stop reading, right now. I mean it. Just turn away.

Now, The LOST Finale. I know this is such a huge topic today that my thoughts will probably not interest anyone but I wanted to write down what I thought anyway so that when the time comes that someone asks for my opinion I can remember what I thought.

So wow. It was epic. Now I'm not going to lie and say that I loved everything about it - but I really did love it. Yes, I was annoyed that they didn't fully explain the Island and its mythology but I really don't think that was the point. I think they raised a lot of questions about life, death and afterlife and I think they answered it the right way. They showed that its not about the big questions, but who's with you while you're trying to discover the answers. It focused on the characters and how they affected one another rather than why they were there. I think that was an amazing way to take out a series that has meant so much to so many people.

I do feel a little bit left open on the Island storyline. Not because we didn't get answers to questions but because I thought there would be a tiny bit of finality to it. But there wasn't. Which I like too, but I still feel like we could have had more warning that we weren't going to see the island again. I think that was it - I felt like I didn't say goodbye properly and would have liked an extra hug. But overall I was really happy with how it all turned out

My favourite bits were:

- The storm. Its the most amount of rain that we've seen on LOST and Jack Bender has said many times that they save rain for huge events. Well it could have flooded the Island the way it was going. Very impressive, Jack Bender.

- Claire and Charlie. If there is one person that wasn't sobbing by the end of it I'll be completely shocked. So beautiful, such a perfect send off.

- How everyone interconnected, like who triggered everyone. I think it was really lovely that Claire was Kates and that Charlie's was Claire even though he got a tiny flash on the plane with Desmond/Jack. I really liked that. It was cool!

Things I would like answers to in the future (But am glad weren't in the finale):

- Where were Walt and Michael? Were they not wanted in the Church or did they not wait for them like they did on the Island? I think it was a really interesting decision not to have them in finale. I liked that they weren't there because they were sort of traitors, but I would like to know if they weren't welcome in their little waiting place or that they just didn't feel like they belonged. I don't think Michael would have felt worthy of being in their Church or whatever but I have a hard time believing that Locke could forgive Ben and everyone couldn't forgive Michael. Anyway

- I'd like to know a bit more about the Island. But at the same time I don't really know WHAT I want to know - I just think it would be fascinating. Perhaps about the Statue and the Temple?

- What smokey's actual name is. I didn't want it in the finale but I would like to know now.

Also - a question to anyone who reads this in the near future. How did Boone know about the Church? Who was his trigger? Did I miss that?

Anyway - This was probably nothing to anyone else but I'm glad I've written it down!

Until Next time xx

Sunday, May 16, 2010

16th of May: Disasters.

Hello Everyone,

WELL WELL WELL! Look who's back to write on her blog like a good kid? ehhehehe. I can not be bothered writing this at all, but I promised one of my best friends that I would update - so here I am!

Here is what happened today:

- Got the children up and ready at 6.30am to get ready to go to a super fun theme park with rides, a zoo and an aquarium. And a bubble house!

- Harry wouldn't eat his breakfast

- Got the children in the car, Lucy sobbing.

- Shoved the dummy in Lucy's mouth and she went to sleep.

- Harry went to sleep in his car seat. Which is never good as he never goes to sleep in the car.

- Arrived in the town hear the super fun park and decided to get some baby nurofen just in case Harry was indeed sick.

- Car alarm goes off when sitting in the car park and wakes the babies.

- Get to the entrance of the park and Harry vomits on himself, me, a muslin, and his car seat.

- Harry sobs at the sight of puke

- Janelle cries cause she's covered in puke.

- Janelle gets Harry out the car to strip him off.

- Harry cries about having no shirt on

- Annabel cleans out car as best she can.

- Lucy cries from being left in the car that smells like sick.

- Janelle gets Harry back in the car seat and opens all the windows.

- Half way home Harry complains that its too windy in the car

- Car smells like sick for 30 minutes with no ventilation.

- Babies go to bed

- Janelle attempts to make Lamingtons for her Canadian friend.

- Janelle Fails.

So that has been my day today. So, Blog. How are you?

Cause I am going to have a well deserved nap.

Until Next time xx