Tired Tired Tired.
Gotta drive into town.
But tired, tired, tired.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Whoops. I missed my blog days. Again. I know! I'm horrible.
Anyway - I am at home this weekend and its very exciting :D I am happy to see my friends and my family. My birthday is coming up soon too. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Whoops. I missed my blog days. Again. I know! I'm horrible.
Anyway - I am at home this weekend and its very exciting :D I am happy to see my friends and my family. My birthday is coming up soon too. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
13th: A Substantial Post for once! Breaking tradition :P
Today, based on the fact that I haven't blogged properly in days, I thought I would write a substantial post to make up for that. Cool? Forgiven? Excellent.
I am currently in Benalla, writing this blog so that boredom doesn't consume and eat me. I am waiting to pick a friend up from her surgical placement thingy. Here is an idea of the time I'm looking at killing: It is currently 7:54am. She finishes at 12:30pm. I am tired, she will be a long time. Oh deary me.
Last few days have been hectic finishing up the last bits of these assignments. I lost my essay writing mojo for a while there - but alas, it came back. I know that should be a good thing - but i just can't find it in my heart to be excited that i can write essays properly again. Between them and cooking & cleaning, I am pooped. Apparently I am getting something cooked for me in the distant future though. yay! A night off :)
I don't know where this semester has gone. Now I only have jam-packed weeks instead of all these casual, lazy weeks I had at the start. Its already April - How nuts!!! This time last year I had been working in my England job for months! About to go and see Ricky Gervais for my birthday! Looking after my little boy and adorable little girl. Oh how I miss them. One day I'll see them again, I hope.
Since writing the post on where I'll be in a number of years, I've been thinking a lot more on what I want to do in the future. And I don't know. But honestly, the only thing I'm sure of is moving overseas. I dunno, I know it may be lonely, and expensive, and it could end up being a big regret, but I love travelling too much not to do it. I think I'll miss everyone here, but I am too excited by the idea of living over in England, Or Italy, Or America. Anywhere really. Just so so excited.
But a career first me thinks.
Anyway I think instead of staying in Benalla until Em gets out of surgery I will head home. Its quite a long time to wait and I think I'd prefer to drive and come back.
Until tomorrow, dear readers.
I am currently in Benalla, writing this blog so that boredom doesn't consume and eat me. I am waiting to pick a friend up from her surgical placement thingy. Here is an idea of the time I'm looking at killing: It is currently 7:54am. She finishes at 12:30pm. I am tired, she will be a long time. Oh deary me.
Last few days have been hectic finishing up the last bits of these assignments. I lost my essay writing mojo for a while there - but alas, it came back. I know that should be a good thing - but i just can't find it in my heart to be excited that i can write essays properly again. Between them and cooking & cleaning, I am pooped. Apparently I am getting something cooked for me in the distant future though. yay! A night off :)
I don't know where this semester has gone. Now I only have jam-packed weeks instead of all these casual, lazy weeks I had at the start. Its already April - How nuts!!! This time last year I had been working in my England job for months! About to go and see Ricky Gervais for my birthday! Looking after my little boy and adorable little girl. Oh how I miss them. One day I'll see them again, I hope.
Since writing the post on where I'll be in a number of years, I've been thinking a lot more on what I want to do in the future. And I don't know. But honestly, the only thing I'm sure of is moving overseas. I dunno, I know it may be lonely, and expensive, and it could end up being a big regret, but I love travelling too much not to do it. I think I'll miss everyone here, but I am too excited by the idea of living over in England, Or Italy, Or America. Anywhere really. Just so so excited.
But a career first me thinks.
Anyway I think instead of staying in Benalla until Em gets out of surgery I will head home. Its quite a long time to wait and I think I'd prefer to drive and come back.
Until tomorrow, dear readers.
A Poem
There once was a beautiful writer,
Who couldn't have been a fighter,
She forgot to blog,
and had to jog,
all the way to her computer!
But luckily,
There was she,
In enough time to write,
So she wrote a crappy poem,
In hope she didn't show em'
That she gave herself a fright!
Who couldn't have been a fighter,
She forgot to blog,
and had to jog,
all the way to her computer!
But luckily,
There was she,
In enough time to write,
So she wrote a crappy poem,
In hope she didn't show em'
That she gave herself a fright!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
10th: Wine and bedknobs and broomsticks
I am so stressed out with study that I could cry. So to take the edge off... what to do? Get drunk and watch bedknobs and broomsticks. hellllllllllllllllll yeah :)
Portobello road, Portobello Road, streets where the riches of ages are sold! Anything and everything a chap can unload!
etc. :)
Happiness :)
:) :) :)
Portobello road, Portobello Road, streets where the riches of ages are sold! Anything and everything a chap can unload!
etc. :)
Happiness :)
:) :) :)
Saturday, April 9, 2011
9th: Sex and the City
Saw the movie; Problems I had.
The only person they didn't ruin was Charlotte - and she shat herself!
Boo. Screw you.
I have nothing more to say.
The only person they didn't ruin was Charlotte - and she shat herself!
Boo. Screw you.
I have nothing more to say.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
7th: Pokemon Crap
I wish I could be marked on my BEDA commitments. That would be so much easier than having to do two assignments whilst blogging. True story!
Today Today Today. what happened? Well other than being extremely tired all day I played Pokemon a lot. It is so fun. Then I cleaned the house because Emily told me that the agents were coming over today when infact they weren't. :( I then did some study but I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. Poetry stinks. Sorry to anyone who loves John Keats or William Blake, but you're insane. True story.
I didn't tell you before but we recently discovered a mouse in our house. i hate him. He made me cry. Scary little bugger. Stay away from me if you're reading this Mousey!
What else, What else? maybe I should tell you what Pokemon I have right now? Yes? I have a Pikachu, Charmeleon, Squirtle, Mankey, Nitorino & Manganite. They are cool kids. I wish pokemon were real sometimes - they'd be fun pets. Although i don't wish they were real because you'd never be able to get anywhere from wild ones jumping out of grass at you. It would take you three hours to walk next door!
Anyway I think I'll leave todays here. Short and sweet... or whatever
Today Today Today. what happened? Well other than being extremely tired all day I played Pokemon a lot. It is so fun. Then I cleaned the house because Emily told me that the agents were coming over today when infact they weren't. :( I then did some study but I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. Poetry stinks. Sorry to anyone who loves John Keats or William Blake, but you're insane. True story.
I didn't tell you before but we recently discovered a mouse in our house. i hate him. He made me cry. Scary little bugger. Stay away from me if you're reading this Mousey!
What else, What else? maybe I should tell you what Pokemon I have right now? Yes? I have a Pikachu, Charmeleon, Squirtle, Mankey, Nitorino & Manganite. They are cool kids. I wish pokemon were real sometimes - they'd be fun pets. Although i don't wish they were real because you'd never be able to get anywhere from wild ones jumping out of grass at you. It would take you three hours to walk next door!
Anyway I think I'll leave todays here. Short and sweet... or whatever
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
6th: Where I will be...
Dear All,
Yesterday one of my friends posted an awesome blog when she described where she thought she would be in five, ten & thirty years time. I am now going to completely steal her idea and do exactly the same thing! hehehe
Five Years: Well, I hope to have finished my BA, and my Dip Ed so I can be a teacher. I hope to work for a year and then move over to England where I hope to teach for sometime. I would like to live somewhere close to the children I Au pair'ed for; but if some of my friends came over too i'd be happy to live anywhere in england really. I think the best option for me would be like Hampshire or Hertfordshire because their close enough to London that you can get there easily, but far enough away that you're out of the hussle and bustle of the City of London. So I hope to be teaching in England - and hopefully travelling around Europe sometimes!
Ten Years: I hope to have travelled a bit more by now. Perhaps taught for a while in Italy, or Canada - somewhere beautiful. I'm hoping that I will be in a steady relationship and starting to think about a family of my own. I want to feel comfortable in my career, but not so comfortable that I don't continue to learn and grow. I think by now I will have dones some further study - perhaps in psychology. The thing I love most about the idea of teaching is helping people learn new things everyday and supporting them during their development. I think I'd be starting to think about moving into a counsellor role even if I wasn't ready to give up being a teacher just yet.
Thirty Years: At this point I would hope to be in a really stable financial situation. While I think I would love to do something crazy like quit and travel the world or follow my dreams. I think intead i will be like my parents were for me and work to support my kids. i think I'll have two and I will work to make sure they have things they love. I know having kids would make me happy and I hope to have travelled enough to satisfy myself and be able to settle into a new stable kind of life. I hope that I will have my own house by now - and I know it will be in a semi-rural area. I think i will have a dog and hopefully will have a good balance between work and home life.
Anyway that is where I think i'll be! Its realistic rather than hopeful I think so I think it satisfies the criteria well!
Thanks for the idea my one and only blog reader xx
Yesterday one of my friends posted an awesome blog when she described where she thought she would be in five, ten & thirty years time. I am now going to completely steal her idea and do exactly the same thing! hehehe
Five Years: Well, I hope to have finished my BA, and my Dip Ed so I can be a teacher. I hope to work for a year and then move over to England where I hope to teach for sometime. I would like to live somewhere close to the children I Au pair'ed for; but if some of my friends came over too i'd be happy to live anywhere in england really. I think the best option for me would be like Hampshire or Hertfordshire because their close enough to London that you can get there easily, but far enough away that you're out of the hussle and bustle of the City of London. So I hope to be teaching in England - and hopefully travelling around Europe sometimes!
Ten Years: I hope to have travelled a bit more by now. Perhaps taught for a while in Italy, or Canada - somewhere beautiful. I'm hoping that I will be in a steady relationship and starting to think about a family of my own. I want to feel comfortable in my career, but not so comfortable that I don't continue to learn and grow. I think by now I will have dones some further study - perhaps in psychology. The thing I love most about the idea of teaching is helping people learn new things everyday and supporting them during their development. I think I'd be starting to think about moving into a counsellor role even if I wasn't ready to give up being a teacher just yet.
Thirty Years: At this point I would hope to be in a really stable financial situation. While I think I would love to do something crazy like quit and travel the world or follow my dreams. I think intead i will be like my parents were for me and work to support my kids. i think I'll have two and I will work to make sure they have things they love. I know having kids would make me happy and I hope to have travelled enough to satisfy myself and be able to settle into a new stable kind of life. I hope that I will have my own house by now - and I know it will be in a semi-rural area. I think i will have a dog and hopefully will have a good balance between work and home life.
Anyway that is where I think i'll be! Its realistic rather than hopeful I think so I think it satisfies the criteria well!
Thanks for the idea my one and only blog reader xx
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
5th: Contemplations. Oh, and the answer is ARIZONA! :)
Dear Everyone,
So today i found some creepy dude in my back yard, a mean dude broke someones heart. Why are men so terrible!? I feel like Carrie from Sex and the City pondering question about men, but sometimes I really wonder whether the joys of a relationship are really worth the heartache if it doesn't work out.
Why is it that men always know just how to get us? The emotional attachment for women is huge but for men? They don't seem to feel anything sometimes. Its so frustrating because they can just walk away unscathed but we have to carry around all these emotions for ages. even when I hear of a boy being broken up with by a girl, they just seem to rebound so much quicker than we do.
But why? Is it a science thing? Is it in our DNA to just care more? Do we care about every day things more than men do? Maybe. But it seems when it comes to their sports teams and how good their cars are, they seem so involved. Why can't they be that attentive when it comes to girls and relationships?
Now don't get me wrong, I am an optimist. Besides feeling like the above paragraphs are totally valid and completely correct, I also feel like there are some out there that do care, and will care. I can't help it. No matter how many times i watch someone get their heart broken, or have it done myself - I can't help but feel like there is someone out there for them that will make it all worth it. Do I get that impression from movies? Probably. But I know that kind of love and kindness is out there in the world. It's a fact. I just feel like it takes far too long to get there.
Anyway I know that was a big ramble. But it just bothers me sometimes. But I'm hoping i'm right when it comes to love conquering all. It would be something splendid to watch. I look forward to going to this girls wedding and watching her kids grow up. I know she'll find true happiness; even if there are a few bumps in the road on the way to Arizona ;).
I shall sign off this post with a Goodbye, Good Luck, and a Merry Christmas!!!
Love Janelle. xx
So today i found some creepy dude in my back yard, a mean dude broke someones heart. Why are men so terrible!? I feel like Carrie from Sex and the City pondering question about men, but sometimes I really wonder whether the joys of a relationship are really worth the heartache if it doesn't work out.
Why is it that men always know just how to get us? The emotional attachment for women is huge but for men? They don't seem to feel anything sometimes. Its so frustrating because they can just walk away unscathed but we have to carry around all these emotions for ages. even when I hear of a boy being broken up with by a girl, they just seem to rebound so much quicker than we do.
But why? Is it a science thing? Is it in our DNA to just care more? Do we care about every day things more than men do? Maybe. But it seems when it comes to their sports teams and how good their cars are, they seem so involved. Why can't they be that attentive when it comes to girls and relationships?
Now don't get me wrong, I am an optimist. Besides feeling like the above paragraphs are totally valid and completely correct, I also feel like there are some out there that do care, and will care. I can't help it. No matter how many times i watch someone get their heart broken, or have it done myself - I can't help but feel like there is someone out there for them that will make it all worth it. Do I get that impression from movies? Probably. But I know that kind of love and kindness is out there in the world. It's a fact. I just feel like it takes far too long to get there.
Anyway I know that was a big ramble. But it just bothers me sometimes. But I'm hoping i'm right when it comes to love conquering all. It would be something splendid to watch. I look forward to going to this girls wedding and watching her kids grow up. I know she'll find true happiness; even if there are a few bumps in the road on the way to Arizona ;).
I shall sign off this post with a Goodbye, Good Luck, and a Merry Christmas!!!
Love Janelle. xx
Monday, April 4, 2011
4th: Almost Forgot!!!
It is 11:55pm and I am JUST in time to get this blog post on the net before this day draws to a close. Proud? Me too.
The amount of times I went to write this today and thought "No I'll wait..." has been astounding. Then, when later came, i was too excited about playing sing star, doing washing, washing Tamara's car and making dinner to even think about writing. Silly me. What else should I write...? Hmm. This is super boring. I will do an ultimate blogger promise and say "I promise the next post will be better". But we know it most likely won't be.
I think I shall sign off quite quickly. Though i should note, today i got stood up by another tradesperson. I wish they would just turn up when they say they would!!!!
Anyway G2G,
The amount of times I went to write this today and thought "No I'll wait..." has been astounding. Then, when later came, i was too excited about playing sing star, doing washing, washing Tamara's car and making dinner to even think about writing. Silly me. What else should I write...? Hmm. This is super boring. I will do an ultimate blogger promise and say "I promise the next post will be better". But we know it most likely won't be.
I think I shall sign off quite quickly. Though i should note, today i got stood up by another tradesperson. I wish they would just turn up when they say they would!!!!
Anyway G2G,
Sunday, April 3, 2011
3rd April 2011
I always attempt this - like every year. And I almost always fail. This is the 3rd of April so apparently this year is no different.
i have recently moved towns; from Ocean Grove to Wangaratta and i don't know anyone. So I thought perhaps to keep me from feeling too lonely; I would write to the non existant readers of my blog. So Hello.
Today I spent the day with three of my friends as we explored a few towns up in the Victorian Country. We went to Benalla; which is a lovely town about half hour away from Wangaratta and is filled with flowers & small children. We also went to Shepparton - where we indulged in a trip to the Chocolate Apple factory and ate apples covered in Chocolate. Healthy? Yeah, no.
We then returned home to play a board game and I lost in a considerable margin.
On another note. I really wish I was British. I would love to have a beautiful accent to speak to people with. Perhaps I would be more confident. Who knows?
i think at the end of this blog I will write down a "how much weight I've lost" section to try and keep me motivated this month. I'm hoping to lose some weight; particularly before my birthday on april 30th.
I also watched Alex Day read twilight today and it reminded me of just how shit it is. Sorry to anyone who likes Twilight but you clearly have no concept of the English language, nor enjoyable writing.
Anyway, Not very interesting but whatever - the day is done.
Weight I've lost: 0
Exercise minutes: 0
Vegetables eaten today: 1
But due to improve!
i have recently moved towns; from Ocean Grove to Wangaratta and i don't know anyone. So I thought perhaps to keep me from feeling too lonely; I would write to the non existant readers of my blog. So Hello.
Today I spent the day with three of my friends as we explored a few towns up in the Victorian Country. We went to Benalla; which is a lovely town about half hour away from Wangaratta and is filled with flowers & small children. We also went to Shepparton - where we indulged in a trip to the Chocolate Apple factory and ate apples covered in Chocolate. Healthy? Yeah, no.
We then returned home to play a board game and I lost in a considerable margin.
On another note. I really wish I was British. I would love to have a beautiful accent to speak to people with. Perhaps I would be more confident. Who knows?
i think at the end of this blog I will write down a "how much weight I've lost" section to try and keep me motivated this month. I'm hoping to lose some weight; particularly before my birthday on april 30th.
I also watched Alex Day read twilight today and it reminded me of just how shit it is. Sorry to anyone who likes Twilight but you clearly have no concept of the English language, nor enjoyable writing.
Anyway, Not very interesting but whatever - the day is done.
Weight I've lost: 0
Exercise minutes: 0
Vegetables eaten today: 1
But due to improve!
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