Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Weather Gripes

I cannot describe the sort of unreasonable anger I feel towards people who complain about weather all year round. There are few tortures worse than having a friend who insists how 'Fucking freezing!' it is during winter, and when summer rolls around complains that it's 'Much too hot' for any human to survive in. Fuck off. Just, fuck off. I hate your kind. Pick a fucking season and stop your moaning. I want to stab you in the face every time you open your mouth. Seriously? You complain like nobody's business when it's cold and too incovenient to go and get a blanket; yet we get to the season that you 'can't wait!' for, we're STILL having to listen to your god awful moaning. Why the fuck, do you insist on inflicting your fucking temperature issues on everybody else. I know this may come as a shock to you - but Facebook was not designed to be a constant weather monitor for your personal comfort levels.

Well here's a tip from me to you. No really, listen closely; you'll want to hear this.

You're all fucking ridiculous. I'm not sure if you're aware of just how much people hate you, but trust me. If you're reading this and thinking, 'Oh no, I'm definitely and exception because I only complain about the heat at night'; I'm pretty sure someone will be around in the next ten to twelve minutes, armed with a butchers knife and ready to castrate you for your insolence. You are the same person who, I'm sure, uses 'Literally' instead of 'Figuratively' and wears Ugg Boots with Mini Skirts. You're a walking contradiction and it would be best if you were taken out of the gene pool.

No really, just fuck off.

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