Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Stuff to remember at some point in time

Gonna give this a go... one day.

Day 01 – Introduce yourself
Day 02 – Your first love, in great detail
Day 03 – Your parents, in great detail
Day 04 – What you ate today, in great detail
Day 05 – Your definition of love, in great detail
Day 06 – Your day, in great detail
Day 07 – Your best friend, in great detail
Day 08 – A moment, in great detail
Day 09 – Your beliefs, in great detail
Day 10 – What you wore today, in great detail
Day 11 – Your siblings, in great detail
Day 12 – What’s in your bag, in great detail
Day 13 – This week, in great detail
Day 14 – What you wore today, in great detail
Day 15 – Your dreams, in great detail
Day 16 – Your first kiss, in great detail
Day 17 – Your favorite memory, in great detail
Day 18 – Your favorite birthday, in great detail
Day 19 – Something you regret, in great detail
Day 20 – This month, in great detail
Day 21 – Another moment, in great detail
Day 22 – Something that upsets you, in great detail
Day 23 – Something that makes you feel better, in great detail
Day 24 – Something that makes you cry, in great detail
Day 25 – A first, in great detail
Day 26 – Your fears, in great detail
Day 27 – Your favorite place, in great detail
Day 28 – Something that you miss, in great detail
Day 29 – Your aspirations, in great detail
Day 30 – One last moment, in great detail

Monday, May 24, 2010

25th of May: Totally, LOST.

Hello Everyone,

So if you don't watch LOST or you don't want to be spoiled. Stop reading, right now. I mean it. Just turn away.

Now, The LOST Finale. I know this is such a huge topic today that my thoughts will probably not interest anyone but I wanted to write down what I thought anyway so that when the time comes that someone asks for my opinion I can remember what I thought.

So wow. It was epic. Now I'm not going to lie and say that I loved everything about it - but I really did love it. Yes, I was annoyed that they didn't fully explain the Island and its mythology but I really don't think that was the point. I think they raised a lot of questions about life, death and afterlife and I think they answered it the right way. They showed that its not about the big questions, but who's with you while you're trying to discover the answers. It focused on the characters and how they affected one another rather than why they were there. I think that was an amazing way to take out a series that has meant so much to so many people.

I do feel a little bit left open on the Island storyline. Not because we didn't get answers to questions but because I thought there would be a tiny bit of finality to it. But there wasn't. Which I like too, but I still feel like we could have had more warning that we weren't going to see the island again. I think that was it - I felt like I didn't say goodbye properly and would have liked an extra hug. But overall I was really happy with how it all turned out

My favourite bits were:

- The storm. Its the most amount of rain that we've seen on LOST and Jack Bender has said many times that they save rain for huge events. Well it could have flooded the Island the way it was going. Very impressive, Jack Bender.

- Claire and Charlie. If there is one person that wasn't sobbing by the end of it I'll be completely shocked. So beautiful, such a perfect send off.

- How everyone interconnected, like who triggered everyone. I think it was really lovely that Claire was Kates and that Charlie's was Claire even though he got a tiny flash on the plane with Desmond/Jack. I really liked that. It was cool!

Things I would like answers to in the future (But am glad weren't in the finale):

- Where were Walt and Michael? Were they not wanted in the Church or did they not wait for them like they did on the Island? I think it was a really interesting decision not to have them in finale. I liked that they weren't there because they were sort of traitors, but I would like to know if they weren't welcome in their little waiting place or that they just didn't feel like they belonged. I don't think Michael would have felt worthy of being in their Church or whatever but I have a hard time believing that Locke could forgive Ben and everyone couldn't forgive Michael. Anyway

- I'd like to know a bit more about the Island. But at the same time I don't really know WHAT I want to know - I just think it would be fascinating. Perhaps about the Statue and the Temple?

- What smokey's actual name is. I didn't want it in the finale but I would like to know now.

Also - a question to anyone who reads this in the near future. How did Boone know about the Church? Who was his trigger? Did I miss that?

Anyway - This was probably nothing to anyone else but I'm glad I've written it down!

Until Next time xx

Sunday, May 16, 2010

16th of May: Disasters.

Hello Everyone,

WELL WELL WELL! Look who's back to write on her blog like a good kid? ehhehehe. I can not be bothered writing this at all, but I promised one of my best friends that I would update - so here I am!

Here is what happened today:

- Got the children up and ready at 6.30am to get ready to go to a super fun theme park with rides, a zoo and an aquarium. And a bubble house!

- Harry wouldn't eat his breakfast

- Got the children in the car, Lucy sobbing.

- Shoved the dummy in Lucy's mouth and she went to sleep.

- Harry went to sleep in his car seat. Which is never good as he never goes to sleep in the car.

- Arrived in the town hear the super fun park and decided to get some baby nurofen just in case Harry was indeed sick.

- Car alarm goes off when sitting in the car park and wakes the babies.

- Get to the entrance of the park and Harry vomits on himself, me, a muslin, and his car seat.

- Harry sobs at the sight of puke

- Janelle cries cause she's covered in puke.

- Janelle gets Harry out the car to strip him off.

- Harry cries about having no shirt on

- Annabel cleans out car as best she can.

- Lucy cries from being left in the car that smells like sick.

- Janelle gets Harry back in the car seat and opens all the windows.

- Half way home Harry complains that its too windy in the car

- Car smells like sick for 30 minutes with no ventilation.

- Babies go to bed

- Janelle attempts to make Lamingtons for her Canadian friend.

- Janelle Fails.

So that has been my day today. So, Blog. How are you?

Cause I am going to have a well deserved nap.

Until Next time xx

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

28th of April: Dear blog

Dear Blog,

I am going away for a few days so I will not be able to keep you for the 29th of April. I apologise for this in advance. I am posting now so i only miss one day - as it is technically the 28th of April right now. I hope this isn't inconvenient for you.

Also I'm not sure I'll be writing on the 30th. It will be my 21st birthday and I'm not sure I want to spend it making friends with you, Blog, instead of real people.

What a horrible owner I am.

Oh Well!

Until the 30th - or potentially May! xx

Attractive: 3 days of joy

Unattractive: Hefty Price tags

Quote: "It will be my 21st birthday" A Quote from right up there!!!! ^^

27th of April: Dear Blog

Dear Blog,

I forgot about you today. Pardon my rudeness - but I have four minutes to finish you.

With this in mind - I apologise - and regretfully end writing here.

Yours Truly,


Until Tomorrow xx

Attractive: Blogs

Unattractive: Forgetting about Blogs

Quote: "We love that Chronic What? Cles of Narnia!"

Monday, April 26, 2010

26th of April: Baked Potatoes and a very long day.

Hello Everyone,

This is a post. Today was a long horrible day. Good part: I had a baked potato for dinner.

The End.

Until Tomorrow xx

Attractive: Glee

Unattractive: Criminals

Quote: "When I pulled my hamstring I went to a massagionist...."

Sunday, April 25, 2010

25th of April: Parents and ANZACS

Hello Everyone!

Happy ANZAC day. I hope everyone was very patriotic, I know I sure was. As much I could anyway! I went to the movies today and saw DATE NIGHT!!! Fiiiinally! I have been wanting to see that movie for so long it was getting ridiculous. But as expected it was genius - so I'm super psyched it wasn't a let down. The only thing I was annoyed about is how much I had actually seen pre movie. I didn't realise how many spoilers I had watched til I got there and had practically seen it! Nevermind it was still amazing and I'll definitely be buying the DVD - Hopefully with commentary by one Tina Fey!!! Soooo good A+!

We also went shopping today and I got a jumper for TWO POUNDS!!! TWO!!!! I walked up to te counter and was like ".... can I have this?" hahahaaha. I don't think they realise just how cheap that is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway I was very happy!!!!

On a serious note,

I thought I would write about how lucky I think I am today in regards to my family - particularly my parents. I was just watching an episode of Glee - where two of the main characters tell their parents that they're having a baby. One of the parents is very supportive and the other mother and father kick the girl out of the house. She said something like "I just needed my mum to tell me everything was going to be ok and for my dad to hold me". I feel so lucky that i know my parents always have and always have had my back in everything. They're always there to help - no matter how inconvenient or how much it could hurt them - they always do.

From as early as I can remember I have always known that if I do something wrong or make a mistake, that it'll be ok as long as I tell them. Its such a privilege to know that. Like even if I crash their car or even come home pregnant - the reassurance that we'll work through it together is more comforting than I can ever express. And I think the best part is is that I know they'll always love me too - despite whatever it is. Like it might tear them to pieces inside to see me in pain or to have such a heavy cross to bear - but they will always love me. They've told me this. I don't know how many people really ever get that kind of unconditional love from people.

I know that its easy to say in hypothetical situations that they would be there - and I'm sure many who have actually faced huge hurdles to tell their parents always thought that too, but somehow I know mine is true and I don't ever feel like I need to worry about their support waiving - I just need to worry about getting the issue itself resolved and to work through it.

I could never begin to thank my parents for that feeling or ever convey to them just how much it means. All I can do is love them in return and let them know that I always have their backs too.


Until Tomorrow xx

Attractive: Supportive Family!

Unattractive: People who don't forgive and give people second chances!

Quote: "You're going to go out there and work that pole like a Russian Immigrant!"

Saturday, April 24, 2010

24th of April: Museums and Sore feet!

Hello Everyone,

Well despite a very busy and exhausting day I am here yet again to blog my heart away. Excited? You should be! Because today I actually have some interesting stuff to write!!!!

Today I woke up to the sound of Harry running up and down the landing going "Bah bah bah bah bah" - which is a lovely wake up call. It was 6.50am. I got dressed - briefly checked my email and went to the bus that takes me to the train that takes me to the tube that gets me to a walking route to get me to a museum! Longgg time

Well I went to the museum of Childhood and it was so much fun! so many great toys from decades past and they were so interesting. My favourite part was the dolls houses - which were truly spectacular! Mind you I could help but think of the one that I grew up with and secretly think that was the best - mainly because my Poppy made it :P But yeah they were all great. The clothes for kids through different eras was really interesting too! I liked the old stuff obviously. Although suprisingly I was more drawn to 70's toys than old fashion toys. They looked old enough to be cool but still heaps of fun. Pretty cool!

Then I went to the British Museum and WOW is that big!!!!!! I saw the Africa, Americas, Europe and Egypt exhibits then collapsed into a heap. I saw what I wanted to see though which was the Rosetta stone so that was exciting. In case you don't know - The Rosetta stone is the reason we're able to read hieroglyphics. One piece of text was written in three different languages, one in greek, one in more relevant egyptian and then in hieroglyphics. So they were able to translate it because of that! How cool? Otherwise it would be a lost language! I think its pretty neat!

Anyway the other exhibits were good too but I'm so exhausted I really need to sleep. Sorry this was short than I promised but its more significant than last time so I still win!!! hahahahaah. WINNER!

Until tomorrow xx

Attractive: Need you now by Lady Antebellum and Proud Mary by Glee Cast which are the two songs I'm currently listening too!

Unattractive: Getting rowdy in a park like some punks outside are!!!

Quote: "We haven't had a white Disney Princess in over ten years!!!" "Tiana, Mulan, Pocahantas, Jasmine — wow, she's right!"

Friday, April 23, 2010

23rd of April: Hamish and Andy

Hello Everyone,

I have had a lovely day today - weather was lovely. I was a bit dizzy at the start of the day but after eating something I felt much better.

I witnessed such a lovely moment today. I put Lucy in her bouncer - which hangs from the door frame and shes supposed to bounce herself - but she's a bit too little to actually do it. So Harry took her little hands and bounced her in the thing. It was so sweet. Then when she was giggling Harry gave her a kiss. IT WAS SO SWEET AWWWWWW.

God those kids are adorable!

I'm listening to Hamish and Andy right now so its hard to concentrate. I think I might go to sleep. I will have lots to write tomorrow as I'm going to the Museum of Childhood and the British Museum!

Until Tomorrow xx

Attractive: Cool old toys. So awesome!

Unattractive: Not having a webcam. Whyyyyyy???? Why did I leave it!!?

Quote: "Well our wedding was off for awhile because my fiance was on his dad's yacht and got captured by pirates..."

Thursday, April 22, 2010

22nd of April: People rejoiced instead of Financing!

Hello Everyone,

"Boileddddd gooooseeee" Aahahahhahahaha. The Lonely Island is funny. Anyway - who eats boiled goose? Sounds awful hahahaha.

That will make no sense unless you've heard that song but anyway. Whats been cracking? Spent the day with Harry today while Lucy went and got a massage. What a lucky girl! Harry and I just played with Lego and Playdoh and the farmer and his tractor. Super fun! Not really. Rather boring. Poor Harry hahahaha

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I don't know what to write today. Nor what to do this weekend!!!!! What should I do? "Everything got out of control, the music was so entrancing, everyone got out on the floor it was a bunch of old white people dancing. I tried to write that last part as fast as they sand." I failed.

This is going no where. Best cut my losses, talk to my mummy and then go to sleep!

Until Tomorrow xx

Attractive: Andy Samburg. Yeah - you heard me.


Quote: "I am that bridge jumping friend your parents warned you about."

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

21st of April: In the 2000's

Hello Everyone,

So while watching my SNL documentary entitled: "In the 2000's: time and again", I started thinking about things that happened to ME in the 2000's and quite a lot has changed. So here is a brief list of things that have happened to me in this decade.

- Finished Primary School
- Won the Civic Awareness scholarship from the Government
- Started High school
- Went to Italy on Exchange
- Overseas for the first time
- Discovered a passion for theatre
- Made life long friends
- Got my license
- Road Trips
- Legally Able to Drink
- Going out and hating it
- Went to England
- Graduated High School
- Started University
- Got my first job
- Got a car
- Moved house at least five times
- Went to Sydney
- Was an Au Pair
- Developed a love for Gilmore Girls, Lost, Alias, 30 Rock and SNL
- Became a lot closer with my sister
- Ditched some horrible friends
- Found some really wonderful places that I feel free
- Took my Year 12 exams and passed with flying colours
- Had an exchange student
- Got Facebook, Myspace and Email
- Learnt a second language
- Grew up a bit
- Learnt to live in a world where terror attacks are prominent
- Met one of my favourite Authors
- Met a Podcaster I love
- Became a teenager
- And now becoming an adult.

So its been a fair interesting decade!! Its only a short list due to my tiredness but when you think back there has been so much that has changed these past ten years. It seems to have gone by so quickly - yet so much has happened!


Until Tomorrow xx

Attractive: Fred Armisen. I think he's adorably geeky. So sweet and funny.

Unattractive: Will Farrell. Naked. Urgh.

Quote: "Rudi Guilliani said today to be on high alert for another terror attack in the coming week. I think I speak for all Americans when I say: Bitch, I can't be anymore Alert than I already am!!!"

20th of April: Parks and Recreation

Hello Everyone,

Short post today as I'm super tired - went to the park today with Harry and it was so warm that I put Lucy in a hat - and she literally looked like an Anne Geddes baby! Sooooo cute. Hahahahha

Today I went for a walk and that was lovely. Just general merriment :) Although, I'm sort of annoyed. I was supposed to work the afternoon - which I was really excited about, because the afternoon shift means that I don't have to work as much because they're sleeping for some of it. Annabel likes it too though - naturally! So she gets it most days. Anyway I asked her three times what shift she wanted me to do and each time she said afternoon. Then, as I was heading upstairs after getting the babies all fed and ready for the day she said "Uhhhh could you actually wor the morning instead?" BOO. BOO i say! Anyway that was just really annoying. I know it doesn't seem like very much to everyone else - but its little things like that that can make or break your day sometimes and today was one of those days. Anyway...

I finally found my SNL documentary that I've been trying to find for ageeeees. I'm so excited- though it'll take 8 hours to download. WIll be totally worth it though. Yay!!!! So hopefully I can watch that sooon. It'll be so good - I can feel it. I love looking forward to something I know won't be a disappointment! I loveee it.

Anyway - best be off. Things to do!

Until Tomorrow xx

Attractive: Chocolate Milk. Mmmmm

Unattractive: Milk moustaches. ahahahah

Quote: "A boom box can change the world - you've gotta know your limits with a boom box. A boom box is not a toy!!!"

Monday, April 19, 2010

19th of April: Baked Potatoes and Children Return

Hello Everyone,

Today was a good day. I got to sleep in until 9am, then I got to talk to my delightful friends on Facebook and MSN, then I read a bit of Barack Obamas book and then I went to start working. Lucy has started being very involved with playing and stuff - she's really changed in the past week and its lovely to see. Harry is so cute as always and is finally putting on weight after being sick for so long and losing heaps Yay! He doesn't look like a famine child anymore!

I will tell you a Harry story because I think it was exceptionally funny to watch - hopefully it translates in my story telling abilities.

Harry is frightened of the Lawn Mower. Very frightened. Today Annabel needed to mow the lawn, and we had all been playing outside. Annabel went to get the lawn mower and asked the gentlemen working next door to give her a hand to turn it on - so Harry heard the noise and got off his little car that he had parked near the BBQ and ran to bury his face in my lap. Annabel turned the mower off and parked it near the BBQ while she went inside to finish some other chores. Harry was now in a pickle - wanting to play on his car some more but frightened of the mower.

So I told him that if he wanted his car he had to go get it himself and that the lawn mower was ok and wasn't going to hurt him. He literally inched towards the lawn mower - with his back against the wall for HALF AN HOUR. Then when he reached the lawn mower he paused there for 15 minutes just clinging to the wall like he was going to jump - then SPRINTED to the car and got on, and rode away as quick as he could. Ahahhahahaha What a little genius. So cute.

As a special present to Harry for conquering his fears I went and put batteries in his little car - because he's never heard what noise it makes because Annabel didn't realise it had a battery powered option. It creepily barks or squeaks at you and then sings a song. Its a car! You would think that when you push the horn that it would beep! Apparently not!

I ate a delicious baked potato today for dinner. It was yummy. Reminds me of SHC and FOSH days when they had that great potato van and yoghurt van. Soooo good. Wish there was pineapple to put on my baked potato today though! Nevermind!

Anyway best be off - getting super tired :)

Until Tomorrow xx

Attractive: SHC. I miss it so much

Unattractive: Changing Nappies. Urgh

Quote: "Focus, please." "I am a camera."

Sunday, April 18, 2010

18th of April: Interviews and Cancelled Plans

Hello Everyone,

Well I was supposed to work tonight - as I have previously mentioned - and I got a message at 7pm saying she wasn't coming home til tomorrow. Um, I could have DONE stuff today. Urgh. Whatever - I'm super glad I didn't have to work and thats the end of it.

I'm currently watching Friends - as many episodes as I can get! I have an addiction at the moment and I've always liked Friends - but never been a huge fan, so there are heaps of episodes I haven't seen. So thats been fun. I'm also watching interviews with the cast and bloopers which are my favourite parts about any show. I love watching interviews with people. Its so interesting! Cause their characters can be super eccentric and they will be ridiculously boring - or they seem really friendly on screen and are totally rude. Its amazingly fun. I'm watching an Interview with Lisa Kudrow as I write this and she's so sweet. Exactly as you would think she is. How cool :)

I was most disappointed in watching an interview with Rachel McAdams, cause I thought she'd be really cute and fun - but she's super boring. Like, really boring. She doesn't even have a T.V hhaha. So so so so boring. Anyway. My favourite interviews to watch are Lauren Graham and Tina Fey cause they're always hilarious - no matter what host. Lauren Graham is particularly awesome with Craig Ferguson and Ellen - you can not stop laughing at them. Its so great!!!

My favourite interviewers are definitely Ellen, Conan O'Brien, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and Craig Ferguson. You feel like they're actually having their own show as well as interviewing people. Whereas Letterman and Leno I sort of feel are too serious for my liking. OH and there was another Craig guy - Craiggggggggggg uhhhhh Anyway, he was AWFUL. He was so crass and just terrible - glad he's off the air now. Anyway I'm sure this was boring for people but it wasn't for me!

I have been feeling much better today - and the weather was gorgeous. i went for a walk around and I felt like the only thing lacking in perfect day weather was sprinklers on. I love sprinklers. They make it feel so summery and lovely. Ohh and the air tonight has a great summery smell from the day - its really lovely. My only problem right now is that when Summer comes I'll be boiling because I can't open my window due to evil wasps. Ahhhh. SO i'll be hot all day. Nevermind - I will cool off by living in the freezer! Hooray!

Anyway I think I will end this blog here due to nothing more to say - another interview to be watched I think!

Until tomorrow xx

Attractive: Weather. I love you, weather.

Unattractive: Annoying computer cords that never work!!!!

Quote: "Women will never be as successful as men because they have no wives to advise them." We are just too amazing =P hahaha Though we will be as successful so suck on that hahahahah

Saturday, April 17, 2010

17th of April: Speakers and Lists

Hello Everyone,

Well - my guts still feel like they're eating themselves but I am here yet again to blog my life away!

I had a good day today. i went to the Movies with Candyce and we saw Dear John. It was a really good film - nice a subtle. A Lovely romantic film :) recommended! We then we for a walk and chatted about everything under the sun which was so lovely. I'm really glad I've got someone to talk to about all the stuff that is going on at the moment. She gets the whole Au Pair thing cause she's living it - and we're just very similar on a lot of other things too so its nice. Its nice that she doesn't KNOW anyone I know - so she can be completely impartial, which is great. So all in all I really enjoyed today and I'm glad I still went out even though my stomach said no. SUCK IT, STOMACH!!

I also found Ipod Speakers today! Yay! I hope Annabel doesn't mind me using them. They've been in front of the TV for months - I just hadn't looked at what it was before. ahahahah. What a dummy.

I thought that due to me feeling crummy at the moment I would write a short list (which I may add to in later blog posts - it'll just be whatever comes to me tonight - about things I like. Cause I don't really tell people a whole lot about myself. I've known friends for years that barely know anything about me because they never ask. But then again I don't willingly give over that information either so it's mostly my fault. So I thought I would write down some stuff in case anyone ever wanted to know. This blog is a little bit of soul I think hehe. So read it with caution!!!


- Rain. I love it because it makes me feel safe. I feel cosy when it rains. Like I could curl up in a ball and just drift away. It takes me to a whole other place and I love it there. I feel free. I love the sound of it on the roof, I love being caught in it, I love the smell. I love everything about it. I really hope it rains on my wedding day - it'll be a little nod from God that its right I think. hehe

- Crying. I know that sounds really weird but I love crying. It gives me a release that I really need sometimes. It feels like I'm spilling secrets, like someones listening, even when they're not. I always feel better after crying, even when its hard to stop.

- "The" Day. I can't explain what this day is - but when I feel it, I know it. Its a very specific type of weather that just calms me completely. I feel completely happy and optimistic when this weather comes. Its not just weather though. Its everything. I just can't explain how much it brightens my life. Today was one of those days and it just made me feel like everything would be ok. No matter what ends up happening with me. I'll be ok. Its lovely.

- Theatre. Not necessarily putting on the shows themselves, but having that connection you have to people. My Theatre class was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had and I wouldn't change a second of it. I felt safe in that class - even though we were all so different, we were working towards a common goal and it brought us all closer, because you have to be. You have to work as a team or you all fail. And its such an amazing thing to be apart of. I think its different to being part of just any team though. It has a family vibe. I just love it.

- Dancing by myself. Alone in my room and dancing is such a release. It makes me happy. I know I'm not a great dancer, and I look like an idiot - but only I get to judge me and it feels fantastic. I get to be as stupid as I want and be as crazy as i want and I don't have a hint of embarrassment. Its wonderful

- Having passion for things. I know it must be really annoying for people around me when I get into new things and really love them - but I have to be passionate about something for me to feel good. I do it with people too. I give them everything I've got because theres no point giving them only pieces. Its detrimental to myself, and I might get hurt for it, but thats how I roll. I love finding something new and exciting and really LOVING it. Its so fun discovering it and pulling everything apart to discover how its done or who they are.

- Having dreams. I know my dreams might be pipe dreams, but I love feeling like I could do something. Like that if it came true all my worries and life troubles would slip away because I would be really GOOD at something. I might want different things at different stages of my life - but the common thread has always been that I really want to be good at it and prove it to myself. That I'm here for a reason and that reason is to be a writer, or a director, or a doctor. Whatever. That I was put here to do something.

- Being Alone. Sometimes being alone is just something you need. Even when you don't necessarily feel like you want it. Every time I'm by myself I almost always want to go and see someone. But the thing is is that when I'm with people I sometimes feel like I want to be alone. I think a lot of people are fearful of being alone - but i really don't think I am. I think I enjoy company too - but I'm ok with being by myself and just enjoying my own company for a while. Listening to yourself is important and sometimes the only chance you get to do that is when you feel completely by yourself.

- Harry Potter. Not necessarily for the story itself, which is still amazing, but for what it brought out in people. They formed charities based on it, communities and support networks, everything. Based on one story. It was such a great thing to be apart of. It made me feel like there were so many misunderstood people out there that got a shot at expressing themselves and feeling included. I miss it. It was a great community. It felt honest.

I think that can be it for now. Don't want to give every bit of me to the internet just yet!! :)

Until tomorrow xx

Attractive: People who are sure of themselves. I'd love to be like that one day.

Unattractive: People who can't mature. Like the can't see past someones race, or even how someone once was. Come on people, grow up and give them a shot at getting themselves together. You'd want that chance.

Quote: "Every time I try to destroy that club, it comes back strong than some sexually ambiguous horror movie villain."

Friday, April 16, 2010

16th of April: Sickness. Sore Tummy. Owwww.

Hello Everyone,

My tummy hurtttts. The End.

Just kidding but I really want it to be the end. Feel so sick. Having been listening to Glee and lying in bed most of today. Watched some Friends. Lost is on and I can't even muster up the effort to go down stairs and put it on. So I will watch it tomorrow. Want it to stop!!!! Argh.

The worst part is that I really want to dance. A lot. But my tummy kills. ARGH.

Lots of dilemmas. I haven't cleaned at all today. Thought you should know that.

Yeah I can't blog anymore. Sorry - it'll be better tomorrow hopefully!!!

Until tomorrow xx

Attractive: Glee songs.

Unattractive: Sore tummies. And being unable to dance due to sore tummies.

Quote: "I want a celebrity fragrance called "Disappointed" "

Thursday, April 15, 2010

15th of April: Anger and Cleaning.

Hello Everyone,

So WHY did I work 9 days in a row if I don't even get tomorrow off!?! grr. I AM SO ANGRY. I don't why I bother sometimes. I was supposed to have Friday, Saturday, Sunday off. And now she's making me clean the entire house, friday gone, and I have to work sunday night.

I GET ONE STUPID DAY OFF. I hate it. Hate hate hate. GRRR.

I'm going to resume writing this blog later when I'm not so angry and upset - I've already sworn way too much and I will tone it down later - but right now it feels so justified!!!!!!!

Ok I'm back now that I have calmed down and I have edited it to be G rated again. I'm just so annoyed because when I have to work - even for short amount of time - it bothers me all day. I can't relax. And after working so many days I really need it. Oh well.

I feel really sick right now so I'm going to go have a shower and go to bed. I want to abandon my attractive/unattractive but I won't. Not that anyone really cares hahha

Until Tomorrow xx

Attractive: Days off. Bliss

Unattractive: Queasy stomach. Urgh

Quote: "Answer me in our secret twin language!!!!"
"Byes, Ib bthink bdad bis a bgood bpresident!"

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

14th of April: Broken Promises and Glee

Hello Everyone,

Well - whoopsies. I accidentally promised Harry that we would go to playgroup this morning - but it wasn't actually on. My bad! So instead we went over to Candyce's house and hung out with her and her kids. Fun! But I still feel bad that he didn't get to go to play group when he was so excited. Whoops.

Anyway - I am currently watching Glee and I'm really tired so I'm thinking of even ending this blog entry right here. Cause technically I still will have posted. Ahhh. So tired. Just want to sleep and sleep properly - but I know thats not going to happen. I can never sleep at night. Whats wrong with me!? Argh

What else? Uh. We got new cushions on the chairs today that Annabel purchased. I hate them. Uncomfortable!!!

Oh well.

Um. Yeah. So. I might goooo. Sorry for a cop out blog but I don't want to write anymoreeeeeeeeee

Until Tomorrow xx

Attractive: Musicals. So so cool.

Unattractive: Bullies.

Quote: "All these books sir! Its like I'm back at school - learnin about the dangers of book readin!"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

13th of April: Naturally Seven and Curry Disasters

Hello Everyone!

Happy 13th of April! Today has been a good day. Although it started off poorly as I barely got any sleep last night and then couldn't nap today. I'm not as tired as I thought I would be but still super tired. Anyway I'm getting excited to see the light at the end of what has been a very long working tunnel. Thank Goodness it will be Friday soon.

I'm currently listening to Naturally Seven, a group that beatbox but do the instruments so well that it actually sounds like real instruments. They're so good! And the singers are fantastic too. I love their rendition of "Feel it in the Air tonight". So good. Check them out on Youtube if you can. Make sure you get a properly recorded version though. So you can hear everything!

Today I made curry. Yep. And you know how it went? Terribly! First off all I had to use off spices because Annabel insisted. So that was lame. They weren't even the right spices. Then I doubled all the ingredients except the curry paste. DOOFUS. And then everything burnt and stuck to the bottom of the casserole dish, then I just added heaps of yoghurt to try and save it. It tasted nice and Annabel ate every morsel and said it was really good but it was a terrible effort. Also I didn't realise that there were two extra packets of meat in the fridge that I was supposed to use. Whoops.

I'm starting to feel like I understand Gabbys diary now. hahahaha. I didn't know how you could be bothered writing down stuff that happened in your day. Like, I got the POINT of it, but the effort was ridiculous. But I quite like blogging. I still wouldn't keep a written diary I don't think. But I might continue to blog semi- regularly after BEDA is over. Its a nice winding down part of my day. So yes thought I would say that I'm still enjoying the experience.

I really want to start writing some sketches. Any ideas? I keep coming up with ideas that I think could be good in the right hands - but not sure I could do them justice. Little observations like Rollerblades coming back or America always stealing Movies ideas. Anyway - I know they sound stupid by themselves so I might try and develop them. I'm only going to get better with practise right?

What else? I don't think I have anything else to add really! Might retire to Facebook and doing nothing. Hooray!

Until Tomorrow xx

Attractive: Having an amazing voice. I just love it when I hear a really great natural singer. Its so powerful!

Unattractive: The abuse of auto-tune. Don't use it people!

Quote: "I've been stuck inside playing online Boggle. It's messing with my head. STAR... RATS... ARTS... TARS ... Well, this is my stop. STOP POTS TOPS OPTS POST!"

Monday, April 12, 2010

12th of April: Hilarious friends and Play Group

Hello Everyone,

Well today was a very exciting and excellent day!!!! I found out the Emily is officially coming over to Ireland with me to travel - so I'm super excited =D I can barely contain myself =D Everything seems better when you get good news.

Today Harry and I went to play group so he could play with some other kids and new toys. He's so sweet. He's way too shy to go up to the other kids so he just watches them play unless you go help him. So sweet. He played on the see-saw by himself for like 15 minutes. Just rocking and watching. NAWWWW. Then, he played with a motorbike and some trucks. After all this the tractor he had wanted to ride on finally got free and he ran over to it and sat on it in excitement, only to find his little legs weren't long enough to use the pedals, so when other kids would come thundering behind him and hit him he would just cry. Nawww. So I taught him to scoot along with his legs on the ground and he was much happier after that. He also ate some cheerios and apple for snack. That was Harry's day - brought to you by the Au Pair Foundation.

Lucy on the other hand had one hell of a fabulous day. She got to go to the doctors and get diagnosed with chicken pox officially so she is all spotty and sick. Its sort of adorable though cause she just lays on you - all sad because she doesn't want to eat - and just wants to cry. So she just hugs you all the time. Which is super fine by me.

My day was pretty much what happened up there - but in addition to that I watched Lost, Friends, went for a walk and made dinner. I'm excited for tomorrow because I'm cooking a really special dinner because I have the whole day to prepare it. I can't wait. Its going to be fun hopefully!!!! If you're wondering what its going to be - it will be lamb curry. Excited? I am because I'm in charge of the ingredients! No creepy vegetables, hooray!

I thought I would let the blogasphere know that I had a delicious salad again today. I have been enjoying my salads so much in England - I will be sad to leave them I think! I get excited for lunch cause I get to have a yummy salad. Contents: Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumber, Seeds, Cheese, Avocado and Balsamic Dressing. SOOOOO good. I love those freakin seeds right now. So yummy.

A wasp flew into my bedroom and I had to do a whole big drama to get him out again. First of all he flew through this tiny crack in my window - it was barely open! And he got in! Which was a problem because Wasps have a knack of getting in but not being able to get out. So I was too frightened to go near the window to open it - but I didn't want to be in my room with him. So I watched him from half way in my bedroom door as he flew around the room angrily, and ended up in my bottom drawer. Now, naturally my instinct was to shut the drawer and not open it again until i had to pack to come home - but there are a lot of clothes in that drawer and I really didn't want to have to wait that long. So, I shut it quickly - opened the window widely - then opened the drawer and ran for it. The wasp flew out and Hit the window several times before eventually making its way out. Thank goodness. Why do you not have flyscreens England!?

I keep thinking there are a lot of things I am repeating in my blog - but I'm fairly certain that I just think i've written them down when really I've only typed them out in my head. Like I think of writing them down for my blog and just never get around to it hahhaa. So maybe thats what I'm doing. Sorry if I am consistantly repeating myself though!!!

Anyway this has been a fairly substantial post. I've got to go milk a pineapple - cya! (Amanda Show reference. Anyone? Anyone?)

By the way if you want a good laugh - Jessica's status update talking about silly stuff she's done is a riot. Check it out on Facebook!

Until Tomorrow xx

Attractive: My friends! They're so hilarious and lovely. What great people!


Quote: "The Board of Education today approved a plan that continues to allow teachers to use the term 'Evolution' when teaching biology. As a compromise though, Dinosaurs will now be referred to as 'Jesus Horses' "


Sunday, April 11, 2010

11th of April: Stir Fry and SNL

Hello Everyone

Well well, guess who's watching SNL right now while writing this? Cheating, you say? Not giving you my full attention, you say? Well!!! You're right. Congratulations.

Today was a fairly boring day, got the kids up and wished I actually had this Sunday off like I am supposed to - looked after an angry Harry because he was better and not getting everything he wanted today. Played Lego and Playdoh. I always suggest those two toys before anything else because they're my favourite ones. hehhehee

We also watched Madeline today. Which is super exciting because I love Madeline. Its half an hour long those which is a fairly significant length of time for child to sit still for - he gets bored after 15 minutes. I make him watch the rest though because I love it so much.

Annabel and I had a long discussion (while eating Stir-fry blergh) about how much she loves maths and I love English. We both hate the opposite one a lot and love the other one hahaha. Amusing.

Would you like a brownie husband!?!?!?! cause that was SUCH A GREAT SKIT!!! ahahah a whole husband made of brownie. hahahaha so good. That is so so so so so so funny.

Anyway what else can I talk about? Oh - I was thinking maybe when I get home I might host a pot luck dinner party. Like idea is that everyone brings a dish - but no one is allowed to know what you're bringing - so you could end up with everyone bringing dessert or something. How fun? It would be cool to see what people came up with and what everyones preference for bringing a meal would be!!!!

What else what else? It is 5.55am in Australia right now. Just to let you know. Pretty neat huh?

What elseee? Its not almost Christmas, so I can't talk about that. uhhhh Haven't seen anyone lately, so I can't talk about them.

Sooo. I might go. Nice talking to you though - we'll catch up real soon.

Until tomorrow xx

Attractive: Having a Brownie Husband. Pretty freakin delicious.

Unattractive: Being so sad and lonely that you'd need a Brownie Husband.

Quote: "Hey Nerds! Guess who has two thumbs, speaks limited french and hasn't cried once today!? This moi!"

Saturday, April 10, 2010

10th of April: Dorothy Competitions and Chicken Pox

Hello Everyone,

Guess what!?! Lucy might have contracted CHICKEN POX. Can this get any worse? Oh my goodness she's covered in little dots and has no appetite. Poor Lucy. And Harry having Chicken Pox will not be fun. Boo Boo Boo!!!

Besides even more sickness, today was such a beautiful day that Annabel and I set up the outdoor furniture and basically spent the whole day outside. It was so lovely but I'm so frightened of bees. And Wasps. And they are everywhere. AHH! :(

I watched some very attractive lads play soccer on the local field when I went for a walk and it almost made me want to know whats going on. But nope, not even that was strong enough for me to bother with soccer. Sorry fellas!

Tonight I watched more of "Over the Rainbow" which is a competition hosted by Andrew Lloyd Webber trying to find a Dorothy. I have a favourite and if she doesn't win i'll be cross. Very cross. They did "Can't stop the Beat" from Hairspray as their ensemble number and it was not as good as Jessica and I dancing in the quadrangle. Sorry - just wasn't ahhahahaha.

Ummmm What else? Nothing much has been happening because I've been working so much. I can't wait to have a day off and its only day 3. hahaha. I'll be loving next weekend!!!!

Well I know this is short again but nothings really happened worth posting about so I think I'll just end t here and go to bed. Oh bed - I love you so much.

Until tomorrow xx

Attractive: Musicals. LOVE

Unattractive: Overacting. Cut it out. Haahha

Quote: "At a recent conference Bush said "The Economy is strong, and the best days are yet to come." He added: "Also, the wars goin great, we don't torture people, I'm 11 feet tall and if you don't believe me you can ask my unicorn!" "

Friday, April 9, 2010

9th of April: Whoops!

Hello Everyone

I have 16 minutes to write this so I'm going to make it quick. I was just lying in bed, drifting off to sleep when I remembered I had to write this. I can't believe I almost forgot!

What happened today? Harry threw up again despite feeling better all day, so that was a bummer. Uhhhh What else? It was really lovely weather today.

Annabel cooked some funky rice dish with pineapple and crab meat in it. It wasn't nice. Then we watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire which was awesome!

So tired - off to bed!

Until Tomorrow

Attractive: Cool old artwork

Unattractive: copping out on "Attractive/Unattractive" for sleep!!!!

New Quote Tomorrow! Sorry for a terrible blog but you can't say I didn't post!!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

8th of April: The Addition of the favourite quote

Hello Everyone,

WELL. What an eventful day! Last night at around 10pm I came down with excruciating back pain. It hurts so much and I have been taking nurofen all day to try and keep it at bay. I don't know why it couldn't come at a better time, Harry is sick, Lucy is sick, and I am lifting children all day long. WHY, BACK? WHY?!?!

Harry got a little better towards the end of today which is very nice. I'm hoping he'll be fully recovered tomorrow cause its so sad when he doesn't say anything and just stares at the T.V. Its nice and relaxing to just watch telly, but I'd rather him not be ill. Oh well

Instead of (or in addition to) posting my favourite quotes on Facebook all the time, I think i'll start writing them here. I love so many quotes - some of which are too long for a status update so I think it'll be a winning move. I have a cracker today - just you wait til the end of this blog! hahaha

Not sure what to write about today. I feel my mind is numb. NUMB I TELL YOU. I feel a bit out of it today - a bit airy fairy. hehehe.

So.... I mean look, even the title is stupid. Ahhh.

What can I write about people? Harry and Lucy didn't do anything cute today. Oh, I guess Lucy has started to roll like a crazy. So today I left the room and she had done a full doughnut. Not interesting! Ahhhhhhhhhhh.

I looked at places to live in New York yesterday - just for fun. Its hard to get a good neighbourhood for a cheap price. It costs you an arm and a leg anyway - but seriously scary prices. Hahaha. Oh well - guess I will have to get famous first - then move there. Perhaps I'll try the Second City in Chicago first. Hooray!

Am not looking forward to this very long week. Its only day 1 and I feel like I could just curl up and go to sleep. Ahh well, nevermind.

Annabel wants to watch a movie with me tonight but I sort of just want to go to bed. I shall watch it anyway cause I don't want to be rude - but still I'd rather sleep my guts out. Haahha Hows that for a phrase? Magical.


Know what sucks!? How many 21st's I've been invited to and can't attend!!!!! WHY DID I CHOOSE TO GO TO EUROPE THIS YEAR?!!?!

Boo. With that sad thought I will sign off. (I'm quite aware that a lot of this information is probably repeated but I'm way too tired to care. So suck it. hahaha)

Until Tomorrow xx

Attractive: Dusk. Its so beautiful and makes me feel so happy!

Unattractive: Thermal Underwear.

Quote of the Day: "A recent survey has shown that 66 percent of Americans think George Bush is doing a poor job handling the war in Iraq, the other 34 percent think that Adam and Eve rode Dinosaurs to Church."

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

7th of April: Sickness and Children don't mix

Hello Everyone,

So todays post will be relatively quick as I am super tired and I am going to watch Flash Forward with Annabel soon.

Today I had a good morning - slept in til 9am! Go me! Then chatted to Jessica and THEN Chaos erupted.

Harry has been very sick. So sick that he hasn't eaten in days and is so weak he can barely sit up. Its so sad. He just lies against you, not saying anything. :( Occasionally he asks for water and we practically dive at him we're so excited he spoke. So poor little Harry is not well. I really hope he gets better soon!

Lucy is sick too - but not as bad as Harry, she just has a cough. Both children have gotten so big and its only been 5 days apart!!! Its so crazy how quick they grow. Lucy's into her fourth lot of clothes since I got here. AMAZING!

I feel Annabel has this bug that Harry has but isn't aware of it yet - because she looks super pale. I really hope she's not sick cause it generally means I have to look after all three of them and I really don't want to. I know thats selfish but I already have to work 8 days straight and I don't want anymore put on me in that time because its full on already. Oh well - we shall see.

What else can I talk about? Totally excited for Date Night. There is heaps of press about it at the moment because Steve and Tina are on their little press tour - so its really fun watching the interviews with them.

I have friday, saturday, sunday off next week and I'm not sure what I want to do with them. I might go to Cambridge to see the Great Hall. Would be pretty cool to see it. Or Oxford. I dunno. I'm trying to minimise costs as much as I can so I'm not completely broke when my three weeks comes around - but at the same time I don't want to miss out on stuff. It blows. Perhaps I will see if anything is local and cool and go there. I would LOVE to go back to Winchester so I can take pictures. I really loved it there - so much fun! We'll see how it goes. Hopefully there is something else cool close by that I can see. Hooray for being broke!

Anyway I shall sign off now so I can watch Flash Forward and potentially eat something.

Until Tomorrow xx

Attractive: Alias. So amazing, so under appreciated by the world.

Unattractive: Worrying about sick children.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

6th of April: Beheadings and Rollerblades.

Hello Everyone,

Despite my utter exhaustion from a very busy day - I am continuing to fulfill my BEDA obligations - unlike a certain someone going by the name of JESSICA MARY-ANNE ANNE MURRAY!!!! Haha, Who did a mighty fine job until day six. Five days Jessica!!! And then you had enough hahaha. Good effort though - I hope this is just a temporary slip up and not a complete project abandonment! Anyway - some travel stuff today!!!

Today I went to the Tower of London and Tower Bridge and had SUCH a great time. I Love the Tower of London so much!!! It was exactly what I was hoping for so I was very excited. I got an Audio guide which is, upon reflection, perfect for me because I get to do stuff as I want and therefore I don't have to miss anything because a group isn't interested or whatever. Its so fun! I saw the Crown Jewels and was very happy with the time I got in line - as it wasn't as long as when I got out! The line was just at the museum when I jumped in because I thought I should before it got too long - and by the end of it it was so far down the hill that it was almost at the arch way entrance. Crazy.

My favourite part of the Tower was all the Lady Jane Grey history. I've had a fascination with her for ages and I'm really glad there was quite a bit on her. They had additional things to listen to on your Audio Guide and I'm glad I listened to them cause there was a really long one on her and I was very happy! It was funny how crowded anything to do with Anne Boleyn was though, all the American tourists were crowding around and talking about the "The Other Boleyn Girl".

Hehe - The first thing they show you is Traitors Gate - and it was so funny because a little ducky had wandered in from the Thames and it was so cute. He was like "Oh... Hi. Fancy seeing you all here." It was adorable watching him squeeze through the gate hehe. AWWW so sweet. I love that duck.

When I saw Tower Bridge all I could hear in my head was "Dum, dum dum dum, dum dum dum dum dum dum". Now i know that doesn't work via Blog, but in my head its amusing. It was like all I could think was that song - and every time I turned back to look at it, the song would start again. Hehehe.

Overall it was a lot of fun and completely lived up to my expectations. Its definitely my favourite thing in England so far.

After all that I went to see Big Ben AGAIN, because I need to take photos of it because my camera card ate them. On the way there I saw a lady wearing Rollerblades! I haven't seen anyone rollerblade in public since the 90's. It was great! After Rollerblades seriously lost out to skateboards they just haven't been pulled back out of the closet. Good on her for getting them out again! No knee pads or elbow pads though - very disappointing.

I wrote down some other stuff I wanted to write in here on my phone. Its so funny - I keep writing down little moments that happen so I won't forget to write it here. Hold on while I grab my phone, Blog readers.

Oh oh! Lucky I wrote it down I completely forgot! I got mistaken for someone who actually knew what they were doing today! Someone asked me about the Tube Lines and which ones were down and how to get places! And you know what, kids? I could actually tell them! Perhaps I sent them off into the wilderness - I'll never know. However, for the purposes of this Blog we will conclude that it was successful! Hooray!!!

I think I might sign off now due to exhaustion.

Until tomorrow xx

Attractive: Slipping obscure references into every day conversation that only you get.

Unattractive: Beheading. Though I'd prefer to be Beheaded than Burnt. So perhaps burning too.

Monday, April 5, 2010

5th of April: SNL Rant and Psychic Mothers

Hello Everyone,

Well today has been another amazing English Adventure. Wait, I lie. I stayed home today due to all transport being down so I have had a wonderful day talking to Emily on Skype. We've been planning a potential trip to Ireland and sounds so wonderful. I can not wait! I'm really glad I've got Emily to organise stuff - because I would be hopeless without her! Seriously - she knows everything, its amazing.

Last night I finished cleaning at like 12:43am, and like the minute I sat down on my bed to go to sleep I got a message from Mum saying "Goodnight". SHE'S PSYCHIC!!! Mothers know what your doing even when your overseas Kids, That stuff is not a joke!!!

Recently I've been thinking lots about wanting to be a comedy writer. How much fun would that be? You wouldn't have to be on camera - which is the part I hate, but you do still technically get your stuff on Camera which is pretty cool. Plus I think it would be a really fun and communal job and I think you'd make lots of friends with that job. Fun Fun Fun.

If I did become one I would want to go to New York and work for SNL. That would be the dream. It just has so many opportunities for great writing and you can base it on current events - which means you'll never run out of material like you could on a sitcom. Plus, its one show on television thats been going for 35 years, I doubt they'd stop it now. What would they fill the time slot with? There would be a lot of angry people. Plus if you started now you'd get to work with cool people like Fred Armisen, Andy Samburg, Kenan Thompson, Kirstin Wiig etc. How fun! And meet cool celebrities and SNL Alumn. It would be so awesome.

I would like to go to the Upright Citizens Bridge in New York and Second City in Chicago for their Improv stuff. It would be so much fun and a lot of SNL scouts go there for potential writers and actors. That would be super cool. Lots of people have started at Second City, Scott Adsit, Tina Fey, Rachel Dratch, Amy Poehler, Steve Carell - heaps. It would be a great atmosphere I think.

Anyway if you were wondering about my current dreams thats what they are. I'm sure it'll change at some stage but that sounds just wonderful right now. Anyway....

I was going to start a Vlog with Jessica but I can't seem to get my camera to work so it'll have to be when I get back, sorry Jessica. That should be fun. Its probably best that we don't do it during BEDA anyway because while I love it now I bet it won't be as fun when the kids get back and I'm super busy. Hopefully it will be though because this is my favourite part of the day right now!

I should go make some dinner - so I will sign off. Don't forget I love and miss you all xx

Until Tomorrow xx

Attractive: People being able to have pieces they've written shown to the world, in any format. It can change people and thats such an amazing talent to possess.

Unattractive: Computer Problems!!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

4th of April: Easter and Baby Names

Hello Everyone,

Feeling really down today due to the fact that I'm on my own for Easter. I didn't think it would really affect me that much but I really miss everyone today so it kind of sucks. I think I will just write about my favourite baby names today to make me feel better and then go and clean.

I love names. A lot. I'm always thinking about names and I don't know why. But anyway, here are some of my favourites:

Currently, for my girls I love the names (In order):

1) Alice. (The reason this is number one is because it is surprisingly the least popular, and I like unpopular names that aren't ridiculous. So Alice isn't too far away from normality that she'd get teased for it - but it's unlikely that there would be several in her year level going on current figures. It hasn't made the top 100 list in the past 50 years or something ridiculous like that)

2) Evangeline. (This one is getting more popular due to Evangeline Lilly I think, but I think its really lovely. She would get called Evie for short. I like it because its different - but I don't like it because its close to Evangelist. I don't think it would really be a problem though - because its not a name that kids will ever realise is close to Evangelist in enough time to tease her, and when she's older no ones really going to care, unless she is one. Then she'd probably be happy about it hahha.

3) Ava. (It was my original choice but its gotten so common now that its turned me off it. While I would probably call her "Ava-Jayne" as a hyphen name - its still number five in the most popular names at the moment and quite frankly thats too high for my liking. Its annoying though because I've loved that name for SO LONG. Far before it started getting popular. Don't know who started that trend - but I'm annoyed!

So they're my top three girls names. Not sure what Middle names I like with them though. I like Alice Elizabeth, Ava-Jayne wouldn't have a middle name, but nothing sounds as nice as Evangeline Lily but I obviously can't name her that! So if you have any suggestions let me know. For both Alice and Evangeline!!!

Other Girls names I like:

Addison (This is probably my fourth favourite, but I just can't see her being called "Addy". I don't like it.)

But they're all just options if whoever ends up fathering my children really hates the first three hahaha. I hope not!

For boys names I'm not as sure on them as I am for girls. I like boys names but they just always change for me. So my top ones are, but in no particular order:

1) Dylan (I like this but I also really like it as a girls name - so it doesn't seem super masculine to me anymore, which sort of makes me less excited about it.)

2) Andrew. (Its really nice but I would hate it to be shortened to "Drew" in particular, or even Andy, but that's much better. I really like Andrew as a full name. Is that too much to ask of people to not abbreviate it? Sigh)

3) Benjamin (Same with Andrew. Full name please!)

4) Ethan (I like Ethan a lot, but now it reminds me of that creepy guy from Lost hahaha)

5) Miles (I like it because it reminds me of Miles Hater from Looking for Alaska. And who could go wrong with a John Green reference)

6) James (I like it because its a strong male name and its really lovely - but I don't have a really huge attachment to it - in the sense that I can't see a child of mine with that name. Its weird -but I really like it.)

Anyway I think thats enough Boys names! You get the general idea. If you have any suggestions on nice boys and girls names I would love to hear them!!!

Best be off - need to do some cleaning and try to unjam my window. Its currently stuck open - which makes it very cold in my room, but I can't seem to fix it. Oh well, such is life. Tomorrow I am going to the Tower of London, but all the tube lines to there aren't working at the moment so I have to try and navigate my way there on buses. Wish me luck!!!!

Love you all,

Until Tomorrow xx

Attractive: Having an amazing home library.
Unattractive: Constant abbreviations.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

3rd of April: Remember Me and Tina Fey.

Hey All,

So I logged onto Youtube today and I found out that Tina Fey was in ENGLAND this week and I had no idea. What an awful fan I am. I can not love her more and yet I had no idea that she was in this country. Oh well. I watched her on Jonathan Ross and she wasn't as awesome as she usually is in interviews - probably that awful blend of British and American humors. Sometimes they're just too different!

I watched Remember Me at the movies with Candyce today and it was a really great film. I felt super aware of the fact that he was "Robert Pattinson" throughout the movie - but it was mainly due to the girls giggling behind us. He did a good job overall though so I was very impressed! I love Emilie De Ravin, but her waivering accent was rather distracting. Hopefully she gets better at American accents as she goes along because I want her to be in a lot of movies!! Lena Olin was fabulous as usual, but definitely not in it enough. I just love how subtle she can be - yet portray so much. Ahhh she's a genius.

The film itself was really great - very emotional, but not so much that it was unrealistic. What I really liked about it was the fact that it really didn't glorify or romanticize their relationship at all. It was very mundane and normal - with a sense of real love there which was great. So overall I really enjoyed it and would definitely see it again.

Speaking of movies, I am so so so excited to see Date Night. I can not WAIT! It'll be amazing. So excited - wish Emily was coming too due to her loving of Tina Fey as well - but alas these oceans make seeing a movie together rather difficult!

I have been so tired all day as I didn't sleep very well last night. I slept through the night but I felt like I was, like, playing basketball or something in my sleep because I woke up feeling like I hadn't slept at all. Oh well - I'm sure tonights sleep will be magical. I'm so excited to sleep - my god I am a grandma!

I am excited to watch Lost tonight too - last weeks episode was so brilliant though that it will be hard to top it. We can not be getting to the end of the series - it feels like so much is left open and we still only have six episodes to go. Ahhhhhh. So nervous - hoping it all comes together soon!!!!

Not sure what else to write right now - despite the fact that I am in a writing mood. I might update one of my other blogs or start writing a script or something. Better yet - perhaps write in my sleep and accomplish two tasks at once!


See you all tomorrow! xx

Attractive: Real life couples that laugh together. And I mean really laugh and enjoy each others company. Its so lovely.

Unattractive: Being up in someones business on the Tube. No one needs to accidentally bump someone elses genitals 10 times in one train ride.

Friday, April 2, 2010

2nd of April: 10 and a half hours on the phone.

Hello All,

Ok, so its only the SECOND DAY OF BEDA and I am already leaving my blog posts til the very last minute. Infact I have nine minutes to post this!!!

I had a great day today - spent 10 and a half hours on the phone - six of which we spent gas bagging to Emily, Jessica and Gabrielle. So much fun. Oh how I love Skype's ability to make me feel like I am right in the room with people. Sigh - Australia, I miss you.

I also spent the night with Candyce and Isabelle. Isabelle is a German Au Pair taking over for Candyce when she leaves. She seems really lovely so I wish her all the best with it! Too bad I won't be around though when she's here! Oh well.

I wrote to my old Drama teacher a few weeks ago asking her about whether or not she thinks I have what it takes to be a good director, and she was really positive in her response which is so great. She also gave me a few ideas to do Arts Administration - which I actually think would be right up my alley - considering I really like desk jobs but love creativity too. I think its something I'd really like to look into. So I'm really glad I actually messaged her and didn't chicken out. So if you ever read this Steph, Thanks!!!

Anyway I am going to sleep because I have to get up early-ish to go see Remember Me with Candyce. I'm sort of looking forward to it due to Emily De Ravin and Lena Olin - but naturally my beef with Robert Pattison is a worry. I'm sorry the spelling and grammar on this is awful - but I'm in a rush.


Love you all,

Until tomorrow xx

Attractive: The noise fly screen doors make when they close
Unattractive: Feet. PUT THEM AWAY!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

1st of April: BEDA

Hello All who bother to read this,

Today, the 1st of April, marks the beginning of BEDA, Blog Every Day in April. And I really want to give it a go this year. Mainly because I actually REMEMBERED it was BEDA month, rather than finding out half way through last April. So here goes nothing! I'm sort of thinking this will be an unrealistic goal, but I'm hoping I really do keep up with it - considering I'm on a trip and this would be a nice little reference to go back to, as I am lazy and don't keep a diary.

Well - I shall begin with my somewhat boring day. Today i got up at 6.45am to get Annabel, Harry and Lucy off to Annabel's mothers for Easter. While I'll miss the kids and everything, I'm super glad I get a break to catch up on sleep and to actually relax for a while. It feels like time is going by so quickly yet so slowly all at once.

I then proceeded to start organising all of Harry's toys and do a bit of kitchen cleaning, then I went for a walk and came back home to watch MasterChef, which is now almost into the final week! I can't believe I got into MasterChef Australia while in ENGLAND, but whatever, it works for me. I know who wins though so the suspense is sort of lacking - but its still fun to watch how they all get there.

After watching some MasterChef I watched some Glee - which then inspired me to dance around in my bedroom and sing like a crazy person for about two hours. I really miss just being able to sing when I want. I can't really sing here because it's not my house and 9 times out of 10 I will wake a sleeping infant, and the other times I'm in public so its not really appropriate. So it's nice to get the opportunity to be a nutcase for a little while =)

In my days off I am planning to go to London, Cambridge and Oxford to see all the stuff I want to see there. Hopefully I will actually be able to get to some of these places - considering its Easter weekend and most things will be closed for holidays. Ahhh - I really hope they're not - but anyone who knows me knows they will be. I'm just that unlucky.

While right now it is still officially the 1st of April in England, it IS technically the 2nd of April in Australia - so I thought I would take this opportunity to say Happy Birthday to my best friend Jarrod. We've been friends forever and will continue to be if I have anything to say about it. So have a great day! =D

Anyway - I am super tired and I think I will try and get some sleep. Hopefully see you tomorrow xx

Attractive: Tina Fey - naturally. She's gorgeous in every sense.
Unattractive: Spitting on footpaths. People are so gross sometimes.