Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 07 – Your best friend, in great detail

Born in September 1989 into a family full of boys, Jessica was intended for great things right from the outset. She came out of the womb practically already able to play the trumpet and sidled in nicely within the family orchestra.

As she grew up she found her talents were truly incredible. Whether it be her resilience to being the butt of her brothers jokes or her astounding ability to eat more McDonalds in one sitting than an obese American family of five (yet still retaining her fabulous figure!), she was truly admired by the community.

When she attended Sacred Heart College Geelong she was under admired. This is common of many geniuses; their talents ignored until someone is able to show them to the world. Fortunately, Jessica was able to prove her abilities in many ways, such as being in Musicals; Her starring role as Francis Flute in the college’s adaption of 'A Midsummers Night' by Shakespeare, and playing 'The Last Post' at every given opportunity. Jessica's fans swelled in numbers, with one notable figure included; myself.

I was lucky enough to find in Jessica, all the fun, crazy parts of myself that I had long forgotten in my journey from childhood to adolescence. Jessica has an amazing ability to draw out those sections of my soul and channel them into unalloyed laughter and fun. She is one of the few people in this world that I have had the pleasure of meeting that can both be an exceptional partner in crime, but an attentive and diligent listener when required. I am positive that no one here on earth today has a bigger heart and soul than Miss Jessica.

So to conclude, I hope everyone who reads this has a Jessica in their lives. They will fill your heart with euphoria and make every day a pure delight. Don't forget to appreciate their presence.

I love you, Jessica. Thank you for being my friend. xx

Friday, April 6, 2012

Originality. (A post that contains no original thought.)

Is it possible to be original in this day and age? I feel like every I write is plagerising someones idea before me.

Look at 'The Hunger Games' by Suzanne Collins. Here I (and she) thought it was a brilliant unique idea and even she has been accused of plagerising. So annoying. I feel like any book or show i write is going to be a copyright law suit waiting to happen.

Even writing essays I'm consistently worried that I'm plagerising a journal I haven't reads thoughts on whatever I'm writing. It's terrifying.

Do we just start again when it comes to ideas for television, film and music? Do we take the themes in shows from the past and just put a modern spin on them? Or is there still room for completely unique and brilliant writing?

Who knows. In the mean time I'll just pray to the Gods of Uniqueness to find me a brilliant idea.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Gay Marriage ramblings.

I have absolutely no idea why anyone would oppose a marriage act that promotes equality. it drives me insane. Anyone who is opposed to this should have some sort of freedom taken away. Like, they're not allowed to eat anymore. Or drive. Or watch telly or something. Or I'm allowed to punch them in the face once a week. I'll just travel the country in a 'punch buggie' and punch the crap out of idiots. Such fun!

The most important point I can see in this whole debate is that RELIGION AND STATE ARE SEPARATE FOR A REASON. Christianity can not be Government policy. It just can't. Every Christian who says that Gay marriage opposes God and that it shouldn't be law because we are a country founded on the principles of Christianity are being ridiculous. We should NOT be influenced by religion when it comes to equality. If we were, no one would have rights.

Gay marriage should be legal because its right. Everyone should be equal. Religion cannot dictate laws in this country, I won't stand for it. When you look back on it, there were people opposed to the freeing of slaves, too. They look back in shame, and so will you if you're opposed to equality in any form.

I know this wasn't particularly eloquent but it really gets my goat!

Ramble over.

Song lyrics today:

'Four cold walls against my will,
at least I know he's lying still.
Four cold walls, without parole.
God have mercy on my soul.'

- Hadn't been for Love - Adele.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Late Night Apologies

Yes, yes. I know I'm late. I'm the equivalent of an employee rushing into the office, still putting her tights on, trying desperately to get to the phone before her boss notices it's been ringing for 15 minutes. I'm that kid at their desk frantically scribbling last nights geometry homework on a bit of scrap paper they found on the floor.


So it's April, again. Goodness me. This will be my 3rd year of doing BEDA. How insane? Feels like only yesterday I was sitting down to my very first blog post, dellusionally spouting optimistic promises about my blogging habits.

I've really got nothing to say today. Instead I shall quote the beautiful Adele.

'Cause I can't make you love me, if you don't.
You can't make your heart feel, something that it won't.'

Have a great day xx

Monday, February 6, 2012

Quotes from the fabulous Charlie Brooker.

"Rather than setting yourself a New Year's resolution, why not simply pick a reason for hating yourself for the next 365 days? Takes less time, and it's easier to stick to."

" A cupcake is just a muffin with clown puke topping."

'"I seem to remember 'academics' once upon a time stating that the world was flat and the Sun orbitted the Earth," scoffed Ted, who has presumably been keeping his personal brand of scepticism alive since the middle ages.'
Anyway, fact file: contrary to earlier statements, a tuna is not about the size of a shoe. It's massive. Bloody massive. It has cold, unknowable eyes and is covered in sharp scales. And it swims very quickly indeed, especially when you hold out a smaller, dead fish for it to eat. It leaps and snatches the damned thing out of your hand so fast, you can't even see it: it's like being mugged. Mugged by a fish."

"They were friendly, too, and swam alongside us, diving, rolling and generally behaving like something from a Disney film: almost like Care Bears of the sea, except, unlike Care Bears, you don't want to kill them with hammers."

"Australians seem to catch small planes like we catch buses. It takes less time to fly from Adelaide to Port Lincoln than to take the 159 bus from Streatham Hill to Oxford Circus. Unlike the 159, they serve snacks on the plane and nobody tries to stab you."

Friday, January 20, 2012

Something that made me laugh today...

"The roundest thing in the Universe is called a 'Neutron Star'"

"THAT'S NOT ROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"No, that's a picture of a Supernova."



Oh Phil, you're hilarious!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Weather Gripes

I cannot describe the sort of unreasonable anger I feel towards people who complain about weather all year round. There are few tortures worse than having a friend who insists how 'Fucking freezing!' it is during winter, and when summer rolls around complains that it's 'Much too hot' for any human to survive in. Fuck off. Just, fuck off. I hate your kind. Pick a fucking season and stop your moaning. I want to stab you in the face every time you open your mouth. Seriously? You complain like nobody's business when it's cold and too incovenient to go and get a blanket; yet we get to the season that you 'can't wait!' for, we're STILL having to listen to your god awful moaning. Why the fuck, do you insist on inflicting your fucking temperature issues on everybody else. I know this may come as a shock to you - but Facebook was not designed to be a constant weather monitor for your personal comfort levels.

Well here's a tip from me to you. No really, listen closely; you'll want to hear this.

You're all fucking ridiculous. I'm not sure if you're aware of just how much people hate you, but trust me. If you're reading this and thinking, 'Oh no, I'm definitely and exception because I only complain about the heat at night'; I'm pretty sure someone will be around in the next ten to twelve minutes, armed with a butchers knife and ready to castrate you for your insolence. You are the same person who, I'm sure, uses 'Literally' instead of 'Figuratively' and wears Ugg Boots with Mini Skirts. You're a walking contradiction and it would be best if you were taken out of the gene pool.

No really, just fuck off.