Sunday, April 11, 2010

11th of April: Stir Fry and SNL

Hello Everyone

Well well, guess who's watching SNL right now while writing this? Cheating, you say? Not giving you my full attention, you say? Well!!! You're right. Congratulations.

Today was a fairly boring day, got the kids up and wished I actually had this Sunday off like I am supposed to - looked after an angry Harry because he was better and not getting everything he wanted today. Played Lego and Playdoh. I always suggest those two toys before anything else because they're my favourite ones. hehhehee

We also watched Madeline today. Which is super exciting because I love Madeline. Its half an hour long those which is a fairly significant length of time for child to sit still for - he gets bored after 15 minutes. I make him watch the rest though because I love it so much.

Annabel and I had a long discussion (while eating Stir-fry blergh) about how much she loves maths and I love English. We both hate the opposite one a lot and love the other one hahaha. Amusing.

Would you like a brownie husband!?!?!?! cause that was SUCH A GREAT SKIT!!! ahahah a whole husband made of brownie. hahahaha so good. That is so so so so so so funny.

Anyway what else can I talk about? Oh - I was thinking maybe when I get home I might host a pot luck dinner party. Like idea is that everyone brings a dish - but no one is allowed to know what you're bringing - so you could end up with everyone bringing dessert or something. How fun? It would be cool to see what people came up with and what everyones preference for bringing a meal would be!!!!

What else what else? It is 5.55am in Australia right now. Just to let you know. Pretty neat huh?

What elseee? Its not almost Christmas, so I can't talk about that. uhhhh Haven't seen anyone lately, so I can't talk about them.

Sooo. I might go. Nice talking to you though - we'll catch up real soon.

Until tomorrow xx

Attractive: Having a Brownie Husband. Pretty freakin delicious.

Unattractive: Being so sad and lonely that you'd need a Brownie Husband.

Quote: "Hey Nerds! Guess who has two thumbs, speaks limited french and hasn't cried once today!? This moi!"

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