Saturday, April 24, 2010

24th of April: Museums and Sore feet!

Hello Everyone,

Well despite a very busy and exhausting day I am here yet again to blog my heart away. Excited? You should be! Because today I actually have some interesting stuff to write!!!!

Today I woke up to the sound of Harry running up and down the landing going "Bah bah bah bah bah" - which is a lovely wake up call. It was 6.50am. I got dressed - briefly checked my email and went to the bus that takes me to the train that takes me to the tube that gets me to a walking route to get me to a museum! Longgg time

Well I went to the museum of Childhood and it was so much fun! so many great toys from decades past and they were so interesting. My favourite part was the dolls houses - which were truly spectacular! Mind you I could help but think of the one that I grew up with and secretly think that was the best - mainly because my Poppy made it :P But yeah they were all great. The clothes for kids through different eras was really interesting too! I liked the old stuff obviously. Although suprisingly I was more drawn to 70's toys than old fashion toys. They looked old enough to be cool but still heaps of fun. Pretty cool!

Then I went to the British Museum and WOW is that big!!!!!! I saw the Africa, Americas, Europe and Egypt exhibits then collapsed into a heap. I saw what I wanted to see though which was the Rosetta stone so that was exciting. In case you don't know - The Rosetta stone is the reason we're able to read hieroglyphics. One piece of text was written in three different languages, one in greek, one in more relevant egyptian and then in hieroglyphics. So they were able to translate it because of that! How cool? Otherwise it would be a lost language! I think its pretty neat!

Anyway the other exhibits were good too but I'm so exhausted I really need to sleep. Sorry this was short than I promised but its more significant than last time so I still win!!! hahahahaah. WINNER!

Until tomorrow xx

Attractive: Need you now by Lady Antebellum and Proud Mary by Glee Cast which are the two songs I'm currently listening too!

Unattractive: Getting rowdy in a park like some punks outside are!!!

Quote: "We haven't had a white Disney Princess in over ten years!!!" "Tiana, Mulan, Pocahantas, Jasmine — wow, she's right!"

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